Serving the Region since 1975

Our Shepherd Lutheran Church is proud to be a part of the cultural fabric of Northwest Indiana - a community we’ve been privileged to love and serve since 1975.

Pastor Richard Schleicher and members of Our Shepherd, standing on the recently purchased church property in 1977.

Pastor Richard Schleicher and members of Our Shepherd, standing on the recently purchased church property in 1977.

Early Exploratory Work & Our Church’s Founding (1974-1976)

In October of 1974, Pastor Wayne Mueller, who was serving at Trinity Lutheran Church in Crete, IL, wrote a letter to the Southeastern Wisconsin District Mission Board of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). In that letter, Pastor Mueller urged the district’s Board of Home Missions to establish ‘preaching station’ in the Merrillville area.

On July 13, 1975, the WELS held its first exploratory service in the Region; that worship service was held at the Jonas Saulk Elementary School in Merrillville, IN - and there were 34 people in attendance. That grade school served as the temporary home of our mission while exploratory work continued. By November of 1975, the WELS Board of Home Missions granted ‘Mission Status’ to this congregation. On December 7, 1975, that congregation, still unnamed at the time, held their first congregational meeting. The temporary officers elected were Ben Smith, Dave Runholt, and Dave Brownlee as the church’s president, treasurer, and secretary.

In January of 1976, the congregation began holding worship services at the Chapel of Peace United Church of Christ in Merrillville. The pastor tasked with overseeing the exploratory work was Pastor Thomas Liesener, who was serving in Granger, IN at the time. Each week, he commuted the 75 miles to conduct worship service and also do visitations.

Members of Our Shepherd at the dedication service of the modular chapel.

Members of Our Shepherd at the dedication service of the modular chapel.

That same month, the congregation held a meeting to choose a name for this new mission church. By unanimous vote, the name ‘Our Shepherd’ was chosen, in reference to Jesus, our Good Shepherd (John 10). A few months later on March 10, 1976, the congregation’s draft of its constitution received synod approval. Following that approval, the following members were elected as officers of Our Shepherd’s first church council: Ben Smith, President; Dave Brownlee, Secretary; Ken Campbell, Treasurer and Financial Secretary; Dave Anderson, Chairman of the Board of Elders; Don Naujock, Chairman of the Board of Evangelism; Ron Klum, Chairman of the Board of Trustees; Dave Runholt, Chairman of the Board of Stewardship.

During this time, the congregation requested from the WELS permission to call a permanent pastor, to look for land for a permanent church home, and build a relocatable chapel after land was purchased. When the WELS Board of Home Missions met in May of 1976, all three of those requests were granted. Richard H. Schleicher, a recent Seminary graduate of the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, was assigned to serve at Our Shepherd, and on July 18, 1976, Pastor Schleicher was installed as Our Shepherd’s first resident pastor.

Pastor Donald Thompson and members of Our Shepherd at the ground breaking in 1982.

Pastor Donald Thompson and members of Our Shepherd at the ground breaking in 1982.

Land Acquisition & Dedication of the Chapel (1976-1978)

While awaiting the arrival of their pastor, the congregation had been actively searching for land on which they could build their portable chapel. After study of eight possible sites, five were submitted to the District Mission Board for their evaluation. After a survey of the sites was conducted by the District Mission Board and General Board Officials in November of 1976, approval was given to Our Shepherd to present an offer of purchase to developer Ken Catlow for five acres of land in Crown Point at 93rd Avenue and the newly built Merrillville Road. The offer of $75,000 to purchase the five acres was accepted, with the purchase being complete on January 20, 1977.

Additional approval and funding was received from the District Mission Board for the construction of a new parsonage and relocatable chapel. The Building Committee for both the parsonage and the chapel were the following members: Ronald Klug, Chairman; Donald Naujock; Lawrence Orth; Monty Kuxhaus; Ben Smith; Pastor R. Schleicher. On October 16, 1977, the church broke ground for both the parsonage and the chapel. By July of 1978, Richard Schleicher and his wife Dorothy moved into the new parsonage.

The portable chapel, built in Wisconsin, was subsequently delivered. On October 22, 1978, work was completed to the point that the congregation was able to worship in the portable chapel; on the morning of that same day, the congregation held a private dedication of both the parsonage and the modular chapel. A formal dedication was held on November 5, 1978 - which was Our Shepherd’s first public worship service. There were 23 in attendance. Regular worship services were held in both the chapel and the parsonage.

Building & Dedication of the Sanctuary (1978-1982)

At the time of land purchase, an agreement was signed with Mr. Catlow, the developer, that the portable chapel would be needed for only 3.5 years, after which a permanent building would be constructed. With little time to waste, a Building Committee for the sanctuary was formed; that committee consisted of members Dave Brownlee, Don Naujock, Monty Kuxhaus, and Pastor Donald Thompson, Our Shepherd’s second resident pastor and the successor to Pastor Richard Schleicher.

On October 12, 1980, planning funds were requested from the District Mission Board. Approval to hire an architect and develop construction plans was granted on March of 1981. The following June, Holland & Steed Architects of Deerfield, IL were contacted to be the architects of the building project; John D. Holland was the chief architect for the project. After surveying the congregation, Our Shepherd’s Building Committee began to meet with John Holland to design Our Shepherd’s sanctuary.

On September 22, 1981, the Board for Home Missions approved a $201,497 funding for the building project, and Our Shepherd’s Building Committee began working on drawings. By 1982, the church was ready for bids. Of the four general contractors who bid on the new church building, it was the Hamstra Builders of Wheatfield, IN who were awarded the contract to build Our Shepherd’s sanctuary. On May 23, 1982, the ground breaking for worship facility took place.

On November 21, 1982, Our Shepherd’s 3,700-square-foot worship and education facility was dedicated with two services, one at 9:00am and the second at 3:00pm. Pastor Thomas Liesner and Pastor Richard Schleicher returned as guest speakers for the services - Pastor Liesner guest preaching for the morning celebration, and Pastor Schleicher preaching at the afternoon celebration. The Post-Tribune covered the dedication in their December 4th edition, with the headline “New Hub Church Dedicated”.

Additional Property Enhancements (1983-2011)

The cross above the altar in the sanctuary was finished in time for Our Shepherd’s Easter service on April 3, 1983. The cross was designed and built by Rev. H. Curtis Lyon from our sister congregation in Crete, IL. It is solid oak with a 23 karat gold insert.

In September, 1992, our Little Lambs Preschool began with teachers Barbara Thone and Rebecca Hatke. The preschool gradually expanded to three classes including a Kindergarten. A building fund drive was launched in 1999 to add an educational wing. Construction of the education wing was completed in 2004.

The steeple of Our Shepherd was installed on July, 2011.

In June, 2018 through June of 2019, a full remodel and update to the church parsonage was conducted.

Pastors of Our Shepherd

  • Pastor Wayne Mueller served as the initial exploratory pastor

  • Pastor Thomas Liesener (1975-1976) was in charge of exploratory work from Granger (South Bend) Indiana

  • Pastor Richard H. Schleicher (Jul 18, 1976 - Jan 20, 1980) served as Our Shepherd’s first resident pastor

  • Pastor Armin H. Schultz (Febr 3, 1980 - Apr 13, 1980) served as a vacancy pastor

  • Pastor John Zickuhr (Apr 13, 1980 - May 25, 1980) served as a vacancy pastor

  • Pastor Donald L. Thompson (May 25, 1980 - Jun 1986) served as Our Shepherd’s second resident pastor

  • Pastor Robert Pasbrig (Jun 1986 - Nov 1986) served as a vacancy pastor

  • Pastor James W. Luedtke (Nov 23, 1986 - Jun 6, 1993) served as Our Shepherd’s third resident pastor

  • Pastor Peter W. Goetsch (Jul 11, 1993 - Jan 21, 2001) served as Our Shepherd’s fourth resident pastor

  • Pastor Don Schultz (Jan 21, 2001 - Jul 22, 2001) served as a vacancy pastor

  • Pastor Joseph R. Schlawin (Jul 22, 2001 - Jun 1, 2018) served as Our Shepherd’s fifth resident pastor

  • Pastors Lon Keuther, Michael Schneider & Paul Micheel (Jun 8, 2018 -  Jul 1, 2019) served as vacancy pastors

  • Pastor Charles Papenfuss (Sept 2018 - Jan 2019) served as a vacancy pastor

  • Pastor Harlyn Kushel (Feb 2019 - Jun 2019) served as a vacancy pastor

  • Pastor Samuel Jeske (July 7, 2019 - Present) serves as Our Shepherd’s sixth resident pastor